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About Us

Sarwa Insurance is an Egyptian joint-stock company, registered under license number 40 for the year 2019 at the Financial Regulatory Authority (FRA). Sarwa is a young and dynamic insurance company in Egypt that offers a wide range of personal and commercial insurance solutions. Despite Sarwa Insurance’s young age, we’ve succeeded in delivering superb service to a wide and diversified client base of individuals, SMEs, and corporate executives. From day one, we’ve made sure to back our name with one of the best “A” rated reinsurers globally, ensuring we deliver the utmost credibility and protection to our clients. Our extensive experience as individuals upholding international standards ensures that we can provide our clients with the most effective and economical solutions.

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Our Vision

Sarwa Insurance aims to improve society’s perception about insurance via building confidence and creating certainty in our clients’ business. We envision ourselves as one of the leading players in the insurance market, balancing between flexibility and responsiveness, while adopting international insurance standards.

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Our Mission

We consider Customer Experience one of our main assets and we are always creating innovative programs and benefits to proactively invent the insurance of tomorrow. Continuously evolving business strategies and solutions to reinvent the industry standards, Sarwa Insurance helps customers better protect what they have today and prepare for a brighter tomorrow.

Our Core ValuesOur Core Values

Sarwa Insurance is quality-focused and we aspire to excellence in everything we do.


We put our clients’ needs and goals first in every service we provide.


We believe that knowledge and expertise are essential for success, and we strive to reflect this belief in our words and actions.


We challenge the status quo by constantly innovating and looking for new ways to improve.