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Offering Medical insurance to your corporate employees establishes your corporate as one that cares about its employees and their health; it also serves as an excellent benefit that increases employment attraction and employee retention rates; that's why at Sarwa Insurance, we are determined to establish a successful and sustainable partnership with administrators in the Health Insurance Industry field. We strive to be a beacon of success that attracts clients by always being at their expectations. The company provides comprehensive and diversified electronic medical services through well-distributed service providers all over the country which are managed by a top-rated healthcare services administrator. Also, we offer additional benefits to meet our customer needs through a team of committed, innovative, transparent, solution-creating specialists.  

Sarwa Medical insurance offers a wide range of health insurance plans with varieties of benefits that include but are not limited to:

Basic Coverage

Outpatient Benefits: medical consultations – Radiological and laboratory services - pharmaceuticals - emergency room services

Inpatient Benefits:

Room and board - chemotherapy and radiotherapy - intensive care and cardiac care - medical staff fees - operating room and anesthesia

Additional Coverage:

Dental - optical - pregnancy and maternity care - chronic and pre-existing medical conditions - critical illnesses.

We diligently serve all our customers through a vast provider network that includes all medical specialties and is well-distributed in Egypt.

Business giants and rising companies rely on Sarwa Medical Insurance plans to cover their employees medically against a wide variety of diseases. As we can cover their hospital and clinic bills as well as their medications, scans, and analyses through our trusted healthcare services administrator. We take pride in being a reliable insurance partner for all businesses across Egypt.

Sarwa health Insurance plans are flexible, so you can add to them whatever you want to cover related to the policy to make it fully comprehensive and compliant with your needs.


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